pnpm add --save-dev animejs @types/animejs
pnpm add --save-dev animejs @types/animejs
Copy and paste the following code into your project.
"use client";
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import anime from "animejs";
const SphereAnimation = () => {
const sphereRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const fitElementToParent = (el: HTMLElement, padding?: number) => {
let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
function resize() {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
anime.set(el, { scale: 1 });
const pad = padding || 0;
const parentEl = el.parentNode as HTMLElement;
const elOffsetWidth = el.offsetWidth - pad;
const parentOffsetWidth = parentEl.offsetWidth;
const ratio = parentOffsetWidth / elOffsetWidth;
timeout = setTimeout(() => anime.set(el, { scale: ratio }), 10);
window.addEventListener("resize", resize);
return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", resize);
useEffect(() => {
if (!sphereRef.current) return;
const sphereEl = sphereRef.current;
const spherePathEls = sphereEl.querySelectorAll(".sphere path");
const pathLength = spherePathEls.length;
const animations: anime.AnimeInstance[] = [];
const cleanupFit = fitElementToParent(sphereEl);
const breathAnimation = anime({
begin: () => {
for (let i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
targets: spherePathEls[i],
stroke: {
value: ["#e879f9", "rgba(80,80,80,.35)"],
duration: 500,
translateX: [2, -4],
translateY: [2, -4],
easing: "easeOutQuad",
autoplay: false,
update: (ins) => {
animations.forEach((animation, i) => {
const percent =
(1 - Math.sin(i * 0.35 + 0.0022 * ins.currentTime)) / 2; * percent);
duration: Infinity,
autoplay: false,
const introAnimation = anime
autoplay: false,
targets: spherePathEls,
strokeDashoffset: {
value: [anime.setDashoffset, 0],
duration: 3900,
easing: "easeInOutCirc",
delay: anime.stagger(190, { direction: "reverse" }),
duration: 2000,
delay: anime.stagger(60, { direction: "reverse" }),
easing: "linear",
const shadowAnimation = anime({
targets: "#sphereGradient",
x1: "25%",
x2: "25%",
y1: "0%",
y2: "75%",
duration: 30000,
easing: "easeOutQuint",
autoplay: false,
// Initialize animations;;;
// Cleanup
return () => {
}, []);
return (
<div className="flex h-screen w-full items-center justify-center">
<div className="relative w-1/2 pb-[50%]">
className="absolute left-1/2 top-1/2 -ml-[290px] -mt-[290px] h-[580px] w-[580px]"
viewBox="0 0 440 440"
<stop stopColor="#373734" offset="0%" />
<stop stopColor="#242423" offset="50%" />
<stop stopColor="#0D0D0C" offset="100%" />
<path d="M361.604 361.238c-24.407 24.408-51.119 37.27-59.662 28.727-8.542-8.543 4.319-35.255 28.726-59.663 24.408-24.407 51.12-37.269 59.663-28.726 8.542 8.543-4.319 35.255-28.727 59.662z" />
<path d="M360.72 360.354c-35.879 35.88-75.254 54.677-87.946 41.985-12.692-12.692 6.105-52.067 41.985-87.947 35.879-35.879 75.254-54.676 87.946-41.984 12.692 12.692-6.105 52.067-41.984 87.946z" />
<path d="M357.185 356.819c-44.91 44.91-94.376 68.258-110.485 52.149-16.11-16.11 7.238-65.575 52.149-110.485 44.91-44.91 94.376-68.259 110.485-52.15 16.11 16.11-7.239 65.576-52.149 110.486z" />
<path d="M350.998 350.632c-53.21 53.209-111.579 81.107-130.373 62.313-18.794-18.793 9.105-77.163 62.314-130.372 53.209-53.21 111.579-81.108 130.373-62.314 18.794 18.794-9.105 77.164-62.314 130.373z" />
<path d="M343.043 342.677c-59.8 59.799-125.292 91.26-146.283 70.268-20.99-20.99 10.47-86.483 70.269-146.282 59.799-59.8 125.292-91.26 146.283-70.269 20.99 20.99-10.47 86.484-70.27 146.283z" />
<path d="M334.646 334.28c-65.169 65.169-136.697 99.3-159.762 76.235-23.065-23.066 11.066-94.593 76.235-159.762s136.697-99.3 159.762-76.235c23.065 23.065-11.066 94.593-76.235 159.762z" />
<path d="M324.923 324.557c-69.806 69.806-146.38 106.411-171.031 81.76-24.652-24.652 11.953-101.226 81.759-171.032 69.806-69.806 146.38-106.411 171.031-81.76 24.652 24.653-11.953 101.226-81.759 171.032z" />
<path d="M312.99 312.625c-73.222 73.223-153.555 111.609-179.428 85.736-25.872-25.872 12.514-106.205 85.737-179.428s153.556-111.609 179.429-85.737c25.872 25.873-12.514 106.205-85.737 179.429z" />
<path d="M300.175 299.808c-75.909 75.909-159.11 115.778-185.837 89.052-26.726-26.727 13.143-109.929 89.051-185.837 75.908-75.908 159.11-115.778 185.837-89.051 26.726 26.726-13.143 109.928-89.051 185.836z" />
<path d="M284.707 284.34c-77.617 77.617-162.303 118.773-189.152 91.924-26.848-26.848 14.308-111.534 91.924-189.15C265.096 109.496 349.782 68.34 376.63 95.188c26.849 26.849-14.307 111.535-91.923 189.151z" />
<path d="M269.239 267.989c-78.105 78.104-163.187 119.656-190.035 92.807-26.849-26.848 14.703-111.93 92.807-190.035 78.105-78.104 163.187-119.656 190.035-92.807 26.849 26.848-14.703 111.93-92.807 190.035z" />
<path d="M252.887 252.52C175.27 330.138 90.584 371.294 63.736 344.446 36.887 317.596 78.043 232.91 155.66 155.293 233.276 77.677 317.962 36.521 344.81 63.37c26.85 26.848-14.307 111.534-91.923 189.15z" />
<path d="M236.977 236.61C161.069 312.52 77.867 352.389 51.14 325.663c-26.726-26.727 13.143-109.928 89.052-185.837 75.908-75.908 159.11-115.777 185.836-89.05 26.727 26.726-13.143 109.928-89.051 185.836z" />
<path d="M221.067 220.7C147.844 293.925 67.51 332.31 41.639 306.439c-25.873-25.873 12.513-106.206 85.736-179.429C200.6 53.786 280.931 15.4 306.804 41.272c25.872 25.873-12.514 106.206-85.737 179.429z" />
<path d="M205.157 204.79c-69.806 69.807-146.38 106.412-171.031 81.76-24.652-24.652 11.953-101.225 81.759-171.031 69.806-69.807 146.38-106.411 171.031-81.76 24.652 24.652-11.953 101.226-81.759 171.032z" />
<path d="M189.247 188.881c-65.169 65.169-136.696 99.3-159.762 76.235-23.065-23.065 11.066-94.593 76.235-159.762s136.697-99.3 159.762-76.235c23.065 23.065-11.066 94.593-76.235 159.762z" />
<path d="M173.337 172.971c-59.799 59.8-125.292 91.26-146.282 70.269-20.991-20.99 10.47-86.484 70.268-146.283 59.8-59.799 125.292-91.26 146.283-70.269 20.99 20.991-10.47 86.484-70.269 146.283z" />
<path d="M157.427 157.061c-53.209 53.21-111.578 81.108-130.372 62.314-18.794-18.794 9.104-77.164 62.313-130.373 53.21-53.209 111.58-81.108 130.373-62.314 18.794 18.794-9.105 77.164-62.314 130.373z" />
<path d="M141.517 141.151c-44.91 44.91-94.376 68.259-110.485 52.15-16.11-16.11 7.239-65.576 52.15-110.486 44.91-44.91 94.375-68.258 110.485-52.15 16.109 16.11-7.24 65.576-52.15 110.486z" />
<path d="M125.608 125.241c-35.88 35.88-75.255 54.677-87.947 41.985-12.692-12.692 6.105-52.067 41.985-87.947C115.525 43.4 154.9 24.603 167.592 37.295c12.692 12.692-6.105 52.067-41.984 87.946z" />
<path d="M109.698 109.332c-24.408 24.407-51.12 37.268-59.663 28.726-8.542-8.543 4.319-35.255 28.727-59.662 24.407-24.408 51.12-37.27 59.662-28.727 8.543 8.543-4.319 35.255-28.726 59.663z" />
export SphereAnimation;